Assess Your Company With Our
Chartered Business Valuator
Looking to have your business valued? Whether it’s to help you find financing, proceed with a business turnaround, or prepare for the sale of your business, a business valuation performed by professionals can help you see things more clearly.
At EB Conseil Fiscal Inc. we offer many accounting services to help businesses.
Our valuation service will give you a concrete and accurate estimate of the value of your business, allowing you to make more informed decisions.

Your business needs professionals to help you
Business Valuation
The EB Conseil Fiscal Inc. Approach to Business Valuation
In order to formulate an opinion on the value of your company, we use at least 3 valuation methods. These 3 methods are: the value based on the capitalization of representative cash flows (historical or projected, if applicable), the floor value determined through your net assets, and the value based on comparable market transactions.
Once our analysis is completed using these methods, we produce 3 separate reports that are intended to present the results of these calculations. You will find a report dedicated to calculations, a report dedicated to the result of the valuation, and a complete valuation report with our comments.
Rest assured; you will not be left to fend alone! Once our valuation report is completed, we will take the time to explain the methods used and the assumptions on which we based our opinion.
Note that business valuation in Canada is a practice regulated by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV). Of course, our entire valuation process is in full compliance with its standards.

Business Valuation
What Documents Should I Provide for an Evaluation?
Each company valuation process is unique and requires separate documentation. What we recommend is that you keep your company’s financial statements accessible and organized. If your business is not yet fully organized, a good accountant can always help you sort it out.
To complete our business valuation mandate, we require at least the following documents:
- 3 to 5 years of historical financial statements (income statement and balance sheet);
- Records of all previous valuations performed;
- Shareholders’ agreement (if applicable);
- Corporate organization chart;
- Budget and 3-5 year forecast (if applicable);
- Payroll records of the owners employed by the company and their family members;
- The most recent income tax return;
- An up-to-date fixed asset tracking log.
We may also ask you for additional documents depending on the results of our preliminary analysis.
Business Valuation
Do You Want to Buy or Sell a Business?
In the context of a business sale or purchase project, we also offer a turnkey service to guide you throughout the transaction process. From the initial evaluation to the purchase (or sale), we will be at your side to help you make the best decisions throughout the process.
Before the transaction:
Evaluation of the value of your company, definition of your strategy (sale or purchase) in relation to the market and the industry, preparation of the marketing file (Teaser, CIM, NDA), research and contact of potential buyers/investors (sale), research and evaluation of potential acquisition targets (purchase) and quantification of synergies (evaluation of different scenarios in order to support the decision-making process within the framework of negotiations).
During the transaction:
Support throughout the negotiation process (letter of intent, offers to purchase, development of financing mechanisms) and due diligence.
Opening balance sheet and purchase price allocation, business process integration and turnaround, synergy tracking, and realization dashboard.

Satisfied customers
Hours of experience
In tax savings

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Have Your Business Evaluated by Our Chartered Valuators
In critical situations or at pivotal points in the life of a company, it is essential to have a global vision of the situation. This is what will allow you to make the correct decisions for the future. A business assessment is the tool par excellence to help you see things more clearly.
In conclusion, in order to receive a credible and thorough business valuation, you should surround yourself with real experts. Our tax accountants are available, attentive to your situation, and will act in accordance with the standards of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, so if you want to estimate the value of your business, don’t wait any longer! Our team is always here to help you.