Fiscal Representation Service
In Canada and Quebec, any taxpayer can be subject to a tax audit. During this audit, the authorities ensure that your declarations are correct and that you have paid all your taxes to the government. If these audits reveal irregularities (errors, omissions, delays, etc.), penalties may apply. Depending on the amount of the adjustment, these penalties may be significant and affect your personal or professional situation.
This is why, in the event of a disagreement or official discussion with Revenu Québec or the Canada Revenue Agency, you need a qualified fiscal representative. Although taxpayers can defend themselves alone, it is better to call on a tax expert.
That way, you ensure that your rights are protected. You will also ensure that the audit and adjustment processes are carried out under the best possible conditions. EB Conseil Fiscal Inc. is by your side to make sure that you are represented by the authorities.

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Fiscal Representation
Tax Representation: A Considerable Asset

Why do you need a tax representative? For several reasons!
First of all, a tax audit involves providing specific information. It is therefore essential to provide the right information. In addition, during an audit procedure, a tax representative ensures that the data you provide is correct.
Such an audit allows you to defend your tax rights. This is true for all types of taxes. Moreover, a tax representative will be able to verify that the requests of the revenue agencies comply with tax laws. In the event of an error or unfounded request on their part, a tax specialist will advise you on what to do next. A tax representative will analyze whether the audit process has been properly followed by the authorities.
Finally, in the event of tax litigation or a direct discussion with Revenu Québec or the Canada Revenue Agency, your fiscal representative can support you. They have all the necessary tools to advise you or speak on your behalf during negotiations.
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Une entreprise humaine à l'écoute de vos besoins
Fiscal Representation
When Should I Seek Fiscal Representation?
You can request tax representation in several situations:
- During a tax audit: As mentioned above, your representative will ensure that all parties have honoured their obligations.
- In the event of an objection to a notice of assessment: A tax expert will be able to defend your position if it is justified. They will also be able to help you negotiate a debt with the authorities if your situation allows it.
- In case of a tax update: If you have failed to declare all or part of your income, a tax representative will make sure that your adjustment with the authorities goes smoothly.
Finally, the fiscal representative will also assist you in your voluntary disclosure process, particularly to verify your eligibility for the program.
Generally speaking, any negotiation with the authorities will justify the intervention of a fiscal representative.

Fiscal Representation
A Few Tips for Peaceful and Efficient Tax Representation
Are you seeking fiscal representation with the Canada Revenue Agency or Revenu Québec? Here are a few tips to ensure that your representation with the authorities is as efficient as possible:
- Make sure you provide your representative with the right documents at your appointments. It is not uncommon to inadvertently confuse two returns or tax notices, which can slow down your process.
- Organize and file your various documents (income tax returns, tax notices, notices of assessment, etc.) so that you can find them easily.
- Ask your fiscal representative any questions you may have: their primary role is to inform and advise you!
- As much as possible, try to stay relaxed when faced with questions from an official; your answers can be interpreted, so it is essential to remain calm and keep a clear head.
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Tax Experts at Your Side to Defend Your Rights
From verifying tax data to challenging a notice of assessment, fiscal representation can be invaluable in many situations.
A fiscal expert will ensure that your rights are respected in front of the tax authorities, and they will be able to support you during your discussions with the revenue agencies.
At EB Conseil Fiscal Inc., some of our consultants have worked for the government in the past. They therefore hold the keys to represent you in all your tax matters for yourself or your company. That way, you can focus on your daily activities with peace of mind!